Message from the President
Afghanistan today is the land of countless business opportunities. Despite persistent successes in making Afghanistan a place suitable for investment, an important policy decision we have made is the creation of the Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA); a one-stop shop to serve the interests and needs of investors.AISA has been charged with the responsibility to facilitate registration, licensing and promotion of all investments in Afghanistan. It concentrates on pro-active measures to attract industrial investment from both within and outside Afghanistan, thus generating employment and economic growth. Towards the achievement of these goals, AISA has my full support.
During the past four years, the Afghan people have achieved major progress towards peace and prosperity. We are building a country where men and women can find suitable employment opportunities; where products in international demand can be produced and traded; and where national and international firms can do great business.
I am confident that the prospect of good profits will draw investors to Afghanistan, and they in turn will help to raise the living standards of the Afghan people. If you are an entrepreneur with a vision of exploring untapped opportunities, Afghanistan is open for business.
Hamed Karzai
President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan